
Sweet-Savory Hamantaschen Perfect for Purim
March 7, 2022
The mother-daughter baking team Birdie’s Batch in West Nyack, N.Y., make a goat cheese and quince paste version, among others.
Westchester’s Home-Based Bakers Make the County Sweeter
By Michelle Gillan Larkin
September 16, 2021
Meet the baker’s dozen batch of Westchesterites who do their rolling, kneading, and decorating from the comfort of their own kitchens.
The mother-daughter duo of Vinnie and Sara Cann do all of their baking across the old Tap but are an unmissable, lively presence at the TaSH Farmers Market in Tarrytown...

Pandemic changed their plans: How entrepreneurs turned food passions into businesses
By Jeanne Muchnick
March 4, 2021
The mother/daughter team of Vinnie and Sara Cann, both West Nyack residents, started Birdie’s Batch last June...